
Get to know more closely what an illustration really is.

Punakawan caturHello friends, see you again with mbaleloo. This time we will tell stories and share experiences that have been passed. Do you know the function of an image illustration, if you haven't yet, let's peel it down a little and get to know what is meant by illustration.Illustration is an image visualization to represent an idea, written work or idea that you...

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recolor the corner of the city through painting

Today in the modern world and everything that is needed quickly and precisely forms something that is sustainable so that it becomes a routine that keeps on repeating itself. And permeating the joints of our lives, the activities are so fast and the activities are so high with the high needs of life that each individual must continue to work without knowing time...

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painting a shadow puppet show

 hello friend Mbalelo, this time we will thoroughly explore my picture , drawing while walking and getting to know the object that we draw or paint is a pleasure and pleasure in itself apart from being able to understand the object we are painting better, we can also sharpen and hone our skills and abilities. our accuracy in painting. Nowadays, there are many...

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Melukis Burung Rangkong

Halo teman-teman tetap berkarya dan mengenal lebih banyak satwa dengan melukis dan seketsa. ada yang tau apa itu rangkong yap juga disebut sebagai Enggang Julang, Kangkareng bahasa Inggris : Hornbill adalah sejenis burung yang mempunyai paruh  berbentuk tanduk sapi tetapi tanpa lingkaran. Biasanya paruhnya itu berwarna terang. Nama ilmiahnya "Buceros" merujuk pada bentuk paruh, dan memiliki arti "tanduk sapi". Selain itu burung ini juga dapat kita temui di negara kita yaitu...

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Renung Hati

Lukisan karya M. T Pamungkas  Media cat air di kertas  Kalau saja terlambat untuk melihat indahnya ia tumbuh. Barangkali satu tangkai pun tidak bisa kurasakan aliran getahnya yang segar. Karena, tersadar sejenak saat memejamkan mata, ia bernuansa ikut membantuku mendalami lebih syahdu kehidupan. Bunga ini, dan tetumbuhan lainnya yang sebenarnya sedari dulu perhati. Mungkin juga tumbuh dalam hati setiap manusia. Manusia yang akan...

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