Ngamen Wayang Uwuh
12.48 Dan penokohan lakon di dalamnya di ambil dari kehidupan
disekitar kita juga menjadi sarana kritik sosial yang di sampaikan di dalam
pertunjukannya jadi wayang uwuh juga bisa dibilang termasuk wayang kontemporer.
wayang uwuh di perkenalkan ke masyarakat luas oleh sang dalang sekaligus penciptanya
yaitu Bapak Juma'ali atau yang sering di sapa Lek Joem. dalam setiap
pertunjukannya sang dalang juga di iringi dengan musik oleh Cak Aziz.
yah itu hasil coretan penaku kali ini untuk menceritakan apa yang
kulihat dan bisa menjadi pengetahuan baru buat teman-teman yang sedang atau
suka dengan perkembangan kebudayaan di sekitar kita. dan tunggu cerita
selanjutnya dari petualangan penaku kawan..
The journey of my pen starts from here this time I draw when
workshops and performances ngamen puppet uwuh on 09 February 2016 in
Jogjakarta, what's that puppet uwuh so here's the puppet uwuh made from items
that are not used exactly the garbage in the Java language uwuh means garbage.
starting point of the puppet uwuh concern over the role in the environment and
collect bottles for media that serve the puppet
And characterizations play in it is taken from the life
around us is also a means of social criticism conveyed within the show so
puppet uwuh also arguably include contemporary puppet. puppet uwuh introduced
to the public at large by the puppeteer well as its creator, Mr. Juma'ali or
often in sapa Lek Joem. in each show the puppeteer is also accompanied by music
by Cak Aziz.
Well it's the graffiti pen this time to tell what I saw and could
become a new knowledge for my friends who are or like the development of the
culture around us. and wait for the next story of the adventures of my pen
friend ..
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