Petruk Dadi Ratu On water Colour


Media Water Color on Paper 

This work of mine is adopted from a wayang story with the play Petruk dadi Ratu or often referred to as Prabu Tongtongsot which tells the story that a people can become king of all kings, and I redraw it through my imagination imagining if these stories take place in the super modern world. advanced.

It is said that Petruk is one of the characters in the puppet world who is described as tall and has a long nose, clean face, patient, and loyal. He also has a submissive character, less intelligent and less skilled. Petruk represents the innocent people. With his character, it will be a problem if Petruk appears as a leader. This is narrated in the play Petruk Dadi Ratu where it is told that Petruk came to power in the Ngrancang Kencana Kingdom after finding and using the powerful amulet Jamus Kalimasada belonging to Prabu Puntadewa (Yudistira).

Petruk, who calls himself Prabu Kanthong Bholong Bhleh Gedhuweh, as a ruler is only able to understand the rights, power, authority, followers, respect, and special facilities as a king. On the other hand, he does not understand that behind what he understands are the obligations, beliefs, responsibilities, mentality, and capacities of a king, who is none other than a leader. So that the kingdom he leads becomes chaotic. People who should be kept away from their palace thrones because they are a virus that destroys the health of the royal organization are instead used as the head of the palace. Because of his innocence he does not know that these people are actually a burden, not an asset. It could be that he is arrogant because he feels magic so he underestimates the existence of negative forces in his kingdom and believes that all problems in the kingdom he leads can be solved by prescription generic drugs that he has.

Petruk's mentality is not only accustomed to waiting for orders, instructions and the like, he also feels that he does not have the need to continue to develop science and knowledge aimed at maintaining and developing his intellect, does not feel the need to train himself in organizations so that he knows various kinds of administration in various organizations, and also his association is limited to the clowns in his environment so that it does not have a major impact on the expansion of his knowledge. Therefore, a Petruk has difficulty leading with creative ideas as a solution to the problems he faces.

He is aware that, on the one hand, it is not enough to formulate a reliable creative idea based solely on existing policies and personal experiences, but requires insight into knowledge that is usually possessed by an intellectual, but on the other hand he is aware that the skills or capacities of an intellectual are not he has, therefore his short power he uses to get pleasure in the world, without the vision and mission of a leader. He led only with the magic talisman Jamus Kalimasada.


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